TALKIn Unexpected Ways: Interfaith Solidarity in the Face of Empire

Date: October 28 (Mon), 2024
Time: 17:00-18:00 (JST)
Venue: Doshisha University, Karasuma Campus, Shikoukan SK203 (hybrid)
Speaker: Jude Lal Fernando (University of Dublin)
Organizer: Center for Transimperial History
Co-organizer: Research group "Racism and Colonialism" under Global Mediterranean project
Co-organaizer: Research Unit 13, Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences, Doshisha University

2024.10.22 UP
©Alisdare Hickson, Taken on June 17, 2024 (No change has been made)

©Alisdare Hickson, Taken on June 17, 2024 (No change has been made)

Link to the original image


We are the only civilization in human history who have allowed not only total monopolisation of violence by the state, but also on a global and even on a planetary level. Yet, we call it modern civilization with a supremacist claim. Faiths, however diverse they may be, at their core proclaims that there is a power beyond this supremacy. This beyond is embodied amongst those who come together to resist the empire. This lecture explores how interfaith solidarity emerges in most unexpected ways amongst them in the Irish Revolution, Tamil Eelam Liberation Struggle, Palestinian Resistance and many other unknown places giving a new hope in the face of empire and its colonial wars.

Date: October 28 (Mon), 2024
Time: 17:00-18:00 (JST)
Venue: Doshisha University, Karasuma Campus, Shikoukan SK203 (hybrid)
Zoom (for registration:
Speaker: Jude Lal Fernando (University of Dublin)
Organizer: Center for Transimperial History
Co-organizer: Research group “Racism and Colonialism” under Global Mediterranean project
Co-organaizer: Research Unit 13, Institute for Study of Humanities and Social Sciences, Doshisha University


Prof. Jude Lal Fernando
Prof. Jude Lal Fernando is the Director of Trinity Centre for Post-Conflict Justice in Trinity College Dublin (University of Dublin). He is the author of Religion, Conflict and Peace in Sri Lanka: The Politics of Interpretation of Nationhoods (Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2013), and the editor of Resistance to Empire and Militarization: Reclaiming the Sacred (Sheffield: Equinox, 2020) and Faith in the Face of Militarization: Indigenous, Feminist and Interreligious Voices (Oregon: Pickwick Publications, 2021). He has served as the visiting professor in Sophia and Ritsumeikan universities, Japan; Uppsala University, Sweden; Tampere University, Finland; Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan; Salzburg University, Austria and Yonsei University, Korea. He is the coordinator of the Peoplesʼ Tribunal on Sri Lanka (Dublin 2010, Bremen 2013 and Berlin 2022).


Satoshi MIZUTANI (Doshisha University, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies)